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            国色天香久久精品国产一区_亚洲一区 中文字幕_人妻精品一区二区在线_欧美大片免费影院在线观看_来一水AV@lysav


            Technical articles

            當(dāng)前位置:首頁技術(shù)文章片劑硬度儀 型號:DP/YPD-200C

            片劑硬度儀 型號:DP/YPD-200C


            片劑硬度儀 型號:DP/YPD-200C







            .        主要參數(shù)

            測定片劑壓力范圍                    1~25㎏

            測定藥片zui大直徑                    2-30mm

            硬度壓力度                        zui大量程的±0.5%

            分   辨  率                         0.01㎏

            輸 入 率                         30W

            噪       音                         <50dB

            電       源                         220V±10% 50Hz

            外 形 尺 寸(長×寬×)           470×290×174mm

            凈       量                         15Kg


            YPD-200C tablet hardness tester using the international advanced sensor circuit, the electrical feed mechansim for automatic measurment. The tester is easy to operate, high-precision test and the number arguments show the measurement data with intuitively. the hereinbefore in order to hold the reliable basis of the tablet hardness VS coating, storage and transportation as well as provide with a strong basis for the reliability of measurement of tablets and tablet hardness of the collapse, release( Dissolution) of experimental data.

            The main technical parameters:

            Max Dia. Of tablet                 2-30mm

            Tablet pressure range              1-25kg

            Testing accuracy                   0.01kg


            国色天香久久精品国产一区_亚洲一区 中文字幕_人妻精品一区二区在线_欧美大片免费影院在线观看_来一水AV@lysav
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